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Calgary, Alberta recent comments:

  • Air Canada hangar, Victor Flaviano (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Can any body put me in contact with the person who is in charge of air canada hangar 101 snow removal.
  • Varsity, Andyt (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    varsity is a cool place
  • McInnes & Holloway Funeral Home, J. mcilvenna (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    I am looking hard for an email address to send condolences to the Potter Family. Can you help me??
  • 7-11 convenience store, Gaudencio Ramos (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    I'm Gaudencio Ramos, I've worked in 7-11 here in the Philippines for almost 8 yrs. And I'll go to abroad as a Store in Charge in Eppco Starmart for 2 years a Convenient Store w/ Gasoline Station in Dubai U.A.E. EMIRATES. After 2yrs i'm go home and luckily having worked in Robinson Handyman Hardware Store for 5yrs. Then I'll decide to go back to abroad as a Supervisor in the first Organic Foods & Cafe in Dubai. I'll finished my 3 yrs contract, they want to sign me another contract but they give me the same salary I'm not accepted. 2008 i'm returned in the Philippines, now I'm working in Urban Chef Restaurant as a Dining Supervisor, all of our guest, customer are call center agent.. Actually I want to apply to your Company there in Abroad if I still capable to work as a Store Manager or Assistant Manager I'm 44 yrs. of Age but still in good shape and Physically fit for work please choose me... thank you veru much and God Bless.... my cp # 09215474760
  • Underground Military Bunker. , Carl (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    The New Bunkers are being built one is under West Brook LRT .... The other ... the new AirPort Tunnel
  • Shaganappi Golf Course, Harold Ager (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    This should have read, on the 18 hole course at the Shaganappi Course, which are the par 3 holes?
  • Shaganappi Golf Course, Harold Ager (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    On the 18 hole course, which are the par 3 holes and their length?
  • Ogden Shops, Bob Sorensen RMRS (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    TOURING OF SHOP WITH RMRS and looking for access to shops
  • Ogden Shops, Bob Sorensen RMRS (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Tour of Shop, Looking for a map
  • Consulate General of the United States, Sheila Cox (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Please advise me regarding renunciation of U.S. citizenship. Although I do visit the U.S. occasionally and report my taxes, I am also a citizen of Canada, pay taxes here, and have spent over half my life in Canada. Now that I am older and my own parents are passed on, I know I will not return there to live. Your information would be appreciated. Sheila Cox
  • Calgary Young Offenders, shutup (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    they should just shoot all the kids in there and then dump the bodies... do the crime do the time stupid shits
  • PCA (Pakistan Canada Association), shafiq chaudhry (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    can u help me to attain some passport apps thANKS
  • Marlborough LRT Park-N-Ride (Sears), emily (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    can i pack there for free
  • Continental Towers, Rob (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    I agree totally with B.M. This place is TERRIBLE. The management in the office have to all be replaced.. Bruce is an idiot and two faced.. Doloris is the most unfriendly person I know... I have even gone as far as to call head office and got no where there either... I think WRE DEVELOPEMENT LTD just want ur mo ey and don't give a damn about the residents.. I know if I was a building owner the staff I hired would be nothing but professional and friendly because they reflect me and my business.. I see WRE DOES NOT THINK THE SAME. I was basically told that I do not know what I am talking about... Larry with RWE SHOULD BE A RENANT IN HIS OWN BUILDING. Doesn't know what I am talking about- yeah right,I have only lived her for over 10 years. @Jon...... If u had ur balcony filled with garbage bags u would be okay, heaven forbid u hang a flag..I have seen balconies that have chicken wire and others that u would think the balcony is their own personal garbage bin.. Makes no sense to complain because it falls on deaf and stupid ears....
  • Continental Towers, B.M. (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    "DON'T MOVE HERE". This place right now is terrible, all the homeless people get their beer across the street and drink it in our stairways as well as urinate there when they want to relieve themselves. I too have tried to call the office and got no answer on the phone even their security number and ended up phoning CPS to get people out of the stairways. Bruce the complex manager is a complete idiot as far as I'm concerned and also a two faced ....... Right now we don't have any elevator service. This building is 25 floors high with people in wheelchairs and walkers and all Bruce has to say is use the stairway. They lie about when it will be fixed, Bruce saying it should have minimal usage in about an hour, but the elevator guy says maybe 2 or 3 days. I would hate to see EMS trying to get someone out of here in an emergency. I have talked to residence who have been suing them because the elevators sometimes close on you with no notice and the sensors don't work properly so you end up with a broken arm or separated shoulder. We have lived here for 11 years and will be leaving as soon as our lease is up. We're in our 60's and no way can we walk up and down 54 flights of stairs every time we want to go out or to work. We have already missed two days and today will be three and we will be seeking council today to get restitution for it. We have had a water leak in our kitchen wall where it meets the ceiling for 10 of the 11 years we have been here and they have finally fixed it recently. They will bang at your door and when you answer it just run in your apartment without even introducing them selves to look for a problem with water leaking or anything else. Then go from room to room checking out everything. You have no privacy. Between the CP trains and emergency services going by with sirens screaming you don't sleep very well either and we're on the north side away from everything. There is no ventilation in the hallways or elevators (When they work) so it is not only very hot all the time but you get to smell what everybody is cooking. At least once every 2 weeks the water will be shut off cause there is another leak. They don't want to pay overtime to the plumber so if it happens on a Saturday then it'll have to wait till Monday to get fixed. They had to tear a wall apart to replace the drywall as it was soaking wet one time and when they opened up the wall, it was full of MOULD. They did nothing except cover it back up with drywall. So the haelth hazard is still there. I could go on forever with excuses not to move here but, Bottom line is DON'T MOVE HERE
  • Dr. J.K. Mulloy Elementary School, Kai (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Hi I used to go to this school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Richard Lindseth Architecture, Guest (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    this guy is an incompetent moron. if you want your project to be massively behind schedule and cost you 5 times what you want, hire richard. oh, and if you schedule a meeting with him, show up an hour late and maybe then he will just be 30 min late.
  • Sir Winston Churchill Swimming Pool, Argo (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
  • Bankview, mjekov wrote 14 years ago:
    One of the good counties in Calgary for living. The prices for rent are high but the community is wonderful, and crimes are rare.
  • Walden, Woo (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Just when you thought you couldn't get further outside of Calgary...